Definition of Heroic meter

1. Noun. A verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter.

Exact synonyms: Heroic, Heroic Verse
Generic synonyms: Epic, Epic Poem, Epos, Heroic Poem

Definition of Heroic meter

1. Noun. The dactylic hexameter ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Heroic Meter

hero call
hero calls
hero sandwich
hero worship
hero worshiper
hero worshipper
heroic couplet
heroic meter
heroic meters
heroic poem
heroic poetry
heroic stanza
heroic tale
heroic verse

Literary usage of Heroic meter

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. European Theories of the Drama: An Anthology of Dramatic Theory and by Barrett Harper Clark (1918)
"But heroic meter is established by experience as adapted to the epic. ... For heroic meter is of all others the most stable and ample. ..."

2. European Theories of the Drama: An Anthology of Dramatic Theory and by Barrett Harper Clark (1918)
"For heroic meter is of ill others the most stable and ample. [Hence it especially receives foreign words and metaphors. For narrative imitation excels all ..."

3. A Theory of the Origin and Development of the Heroic Hexameter by Fitz Gerald Tisdall (1889)
"THE heroic meter. (§ 11.) If, however, the steps above indicated and there- suiting spondaic hexameter be accepted as correct, the development into the ..."

4. Appleton's New Practical Cyclopedia: A New Work of Reference Based Upon the by George J Hagar (1910)
"... heroic meter Heroic Me'ter, in English verse, the un- rhymed iambic pentameter, known as blank verse. In Greek and Latin poetry it is the common ..."

5. The Influence of Milton on English Poetry by Raymond Dexter Havens (1922)
"2 "The English heroic [meter] requires the fourth syllable to be emphatic, and the two concluding feet to be perfect iambics," affirmed the Monthly Review.3 ..."

6. The Elements of Rhetoric and Composition: A Text-book for Schools and Colleges by David Jayne Hill (1893)
"The Alexandrine Verse, which was once used as a heroic meter, but has gone out of use, consists of six iambic feet; ..."

7. Rhetorical Method: A Concise Treatment of the Topics Belonging to Rhetoric by Henry W. Jameson (1880)
"Is known as the " English heroic meter." Milton's " Paradise Lost" is written in this meter. 220. A Distich or Couplet consists of two verses or lines which ..."

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